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Nov 21, 2014

By Mike MacLellan

Bill 18: Stronger Workplaces for Stronger Economy Act, 2014 Passed to Law

On November 20, 2014 Bill 18 received Royal Assent, meaning that the Ontario Legislature has passed into law some wide-ranging changes to the Emplo...

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Nov 13, 2014

Bill 18 Passes 3rd Reading – Poised to revamp various Employment and Labour Legislation

On December 12, 2013 CCPartners released a blog explaining the major changes to employment and labour legislation proposed in Bill 146 - Stron...

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Sep 25, 2014

By Kelsey Orth

Don’t Get Left Behind – New Leave Provisions of ESA will Require Policy Updates

As you read about here, on April 29, 2014 Ontario’s provincial legislature voted in favour of proposed amendments to the Employment Standards...

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Aug 21, 2014

Enforcing Termination Provisions – Things Not Getting Any Easier For Employers

CCPartners has blogged about the benefits of including termination clauses in employment agreements and the common pitfalls associated with draftin...

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Jun 17, 2014

By Rob Boswell

Ontario Superior Court: Employer’s Out-of-Province Payroll is Relevant to ESA Severance Pay Threshold

As a result of subsection 64(1) of the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000, certain circumstances of a dismissal trigger an obligation on the em...

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Apr 29, 2014

By Mike MacLellan

Family Caregivers Bill-21 Passes Third and Final Reading in Ontario Legislature

Update:  Bill-21 received Royal Assent on April 29, 2014.  The amendments to the Employment Standards Act will take effect on October 2...

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Jan 23, 2014

2013 IN REVIEW – A Look Back at the Cases and Legislative Changes that Impacted your Workplace

2013 saw a number of important decisions and legislative changes in the area of labour and employment law.    Over the course of the...

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