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Jul 7, 2016

The Frustration of Frustration of Contract: Discharging for Innocent Absenteeism Hits Another Roadblock

When an employee needs to access long term disability benefits (“LTD”), employers should be mindful of the various pitfalls that can ar...

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Mar 29, 2016

By Kelsey Orth

Check Please! New Standardized Rules for Police Record Checks Across Ontario

For many employers, police record checks are part of the application process for new employees.  For those employers asking for a Criminal Rec...

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Jan 28, 2016

The ORPP: Wynne Promises 100 Years of Sustainability – Employers Brace for Century of Suffering

On August 13, 2015 we released a blog outlining the initial details of Premier Wynne’s plan to unveil the new Ontario Retirement Pension Pla...

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Nov 11, 2015

“It’s Never Okay” – Ontario’s Legislative Crackdown on Sexual Violence and Harassment Passes First Reading

In March of this year the Ontario government published a 40 page Action Plan to combat sexual violence and harassment in both our workplaces and co...

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Nov 5, 2015

By Susan Crawford

Tis the Season to Get Sued – Employers Beware of Holiday Party Liability

Hosting a holiday party is a great way to thank your employees for their hard work and to celebrate your company’s successes in the last year...

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Aug 13, 2015

The Ontario Registered Pension Plan – An Employer, Employee, and Election Issue

The Ontario Liberal Government has begun to unveil new details of the Ontario Registered Pension Plan (“ORPP”) – a plan that may ...

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Jul 2, 2015

By Susan Crawford

I Owe What??? Top 5 Mistakes Employers Make When Dismissing Employees

Dismissing an employee is never an easy exercise for an employer and all too often employers dismiss employees without fully appreciating the oblig...

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Jan 15, 2015

The Employer Case for Effective Disability Management

In the last couple of years, employers and organizations have seen their costs associated with employee absenteeism skyrocket.  Absenteeism in...

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Jan 8, 2015

Dismissal Upheld after Sexual Threats over Facebook

As one of the seminal decisions of 2014, USW and Tenaris Algoma Tubes Inc. raised the issues of off-duty conduct, sexual harassment / threats and s...

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Dec 18, 2014

AODA Compliance Deadlines: January 1, 2015 Requirements

Further to our blog on October 9, 2014, this is just a reminder that the clock is ticking and organizations will be expected to be in compliance wi...

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Dec 10, 2014

By Rob Boswell

Bill 56: Stage One of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

On December 8, 2014, in keeping with one of its major election items, Ontario’s Liberal Government introduced Bill 56, An Act to require the ...

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Dec 4, 2014

Employer Fails to Trigger Employee’s Duty to Mitigate

In Farwell v Citair Inc. (General Coach Canada) 2014 ONCA 177 the appellant, Citair Inc., argued that the trial judge made an error of mixed f...

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Nov 27, 2014

By Mike MacLellan

Human Rights Commission Highlights Employers’ Duties to Prevent Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a topic that is permeating the social consciousness more than ever since allegations against a prominent CBC ...

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Nov 21, 2014

By Mike MacLellan

Bill 18: Stronger Workplaces for Stronger Economy Act, 2014 Passed to Law

On November 20, 2014 Bill 18 received Royal Assent, meaning that the Ontario Legislature has passed into law some wide-ranging changes to the Emplo...

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Nov 20, 2014

Is it Discriminatory to Fire an Employee because of Poor English Proficiency?

Many employers grapple with the issue of how to approach or deal with employees who have trouble communicating proficiently in English, particularl...

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Nov 13, 2014

Bill 18 Passes 3rd Reading – Poised to revamp various Employment and Labour Legislation

On December 12, 2013 CCPartners released a blog explaining the major changes to employment and labour legislation proposed in Bill 146 - Stron...

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Oct 16, 2014

By Susan Crawford

Employer Obligations on Municipal Election Day

As we get set to go to the polls to vote for our municipal leaders on October 27, 2014, employers should keep in mind their obligations under the M...

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Oct 9, 2014

Is Your Organization AODA Compliant?

As most employers and human resources professionals are aware, the Ontario government enacted the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act...

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Sep 25, 2014

By Kelsey Orth

Don’t Get Left Behind – New Leave Provisions of ESA will Require Policy Updates

As you read about here, on April 29, 2014 Ontario’s provincial legislature voted in favour of proposed amendments to the Employment Standards...

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Crawford Chondon & Partners LLP is committed to providing an inclusive workplace that embraces and respects differences.  We support and promote the ongoing development, implementation and maintenance of best practices and strategies to enhance and improve equality, diversity and inclusion within the Firm, in advising clients and in the greater community. Click to learn more about our Diversity and Inclusion 

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