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Nov 18, 2015

Making the Right Choice: Should you be applying Federal or Provincial Law?

Employers know that there are labour and employment laws that they must apply when conducting business – understanding what set of laws shoul...

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Aug 27, 2015

If you don’t have anything nice to say – say it anyway, you’re protected by the Charter

As many employers may have experienced during labour unrest and collective bargaining negotiations, tensions between management and union represent...

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Jul 16, 2015

Where Does All the Money Go? Bill C-377 Will Force Unions to Answer

Many workplaces today require employers and unions to work alongside each other to maintain positive labour relations. In 2012, approximately 31.5...

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Jun 25, 2015

By Mike MacLellan

Boneheaded Facebook Post Strikes Again! Arbitrator Refuses to Reinstate Unjustly Dismissed Union Member

Our readers probably already know that when a unionized employee is unjustly discharged from their employment, the presumptive remedy from an arbit...

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Jun 11, 2015

Keep Your Eyes on the Road! Termination for Distracted Driving Upheld

Cell phones are one of the most common distractions for drivers. Statistics show that drivers engaged in text messaging are up to 23 times more lik...

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May 28, 2015

By Susan Crawford

CCPartners Seeking Input for Provincial Government Consultation Process and New ESA Obligation to Provide Information to Employees Now in Place

As many of you may be aware, the Provincial Government is considering whether changes to the Employment Standards Act (“ESA”) and the O...

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Feb 12, 2015

By Kelsey Orth

The Constitutional Right to Strike Preserved by Supreme Court of Canada

A central feature of collective bargaining – contract negotiations between unions and employers – is the ability for either party to ap...

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Feb 5, 2015

Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Without Cause Dismissal under the Canada Labour Code

Federally-regulated employees may be dismissed on a without cause basis under the Canada Labour Code (the “Code”). This was the conclus...

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Jan 19, 2015

By Kelsey Orth

Levelling the Federal Playing Field in Union Certification / Decertification

Just prior to beginning the holiday season themselves, the Senate of Canada gave federally regulated employers an early gift: the passing of Bill C...

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